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Knights of Enmity: Lancelot the Lady Killer (Civic Duties Book 1)
Knights of Enmity: Lancelot the Lady Killer (Civic Duties Book 1) Read online
Lancelot the Lady Killer
Episode 1
Civic Duties Series
Sédrie Danielle
David Thor Fjalarsson
Knights of Enmity
Lancelot the Lady Killer
©2017 Sédrie Danielle
All rights reserved.
This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork is prohibited without the expressed written consent of the author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at:
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Gorgon Publications
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Danielle, Sédrie
Edition: one
ISBN- 978-1540410870
The Order of Magia Chaotica
Founder: Achilles, Magia Rex Primus
Motto: "What thou doest, do quickly."
Dictum: Stolium Pagania Queitus Regularis
Headquarters: Temple Salamanca, The Hollow
Current Magia Magnificent Rex: Rufus Sosius
Levels of Magical Competency: 5
Basic Abilities: Harnessing the energy of creation, Magia, which comprises of light and darkness to manifest the will of the magician. Most notably, Magia can be used to move objects and elements around the magician by projecting energies in desired directions.
Weapons: Only the Magia at the Black Knight level are granted Gehenna Blades, short swords made of the metal which fell from Heaven and crafted by the Iron Fists.
Ordo Magnum Opus
Founder: Hermes Trismegistus
Motto: "Does relief come for the widow’s son?"
Dictum: Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem
Headquarters: Castle Panchrest
Current Grand Alchemist: Solon
Levels of Magical Competency: 4
Basic Abilities: The transmutation of carbon based objects into base metals. Few Alchemists have been known to transmutate carbon based objects into other carbon based objects by will alone.
Weapons: The Alchemists have crafted many amulets which deflect the magical abilities of the other Orders. They also have tattoos of sigils which represent their Alchemical mastery and can be projected on people or objects to aid them in transmutations at will.
Gentlemen of the Haze
Founder: Nicky
Motto: "The immortal weeps to the God who knows not the touch of death."
Dictum: Tempus Fugit
Headquarters: The Coiled Clocktower
Current Principal: Nicky
Levels of Magical Competency: None
Abilities: The abilities of the Gentlemen have long eluded the knowledge of the Council of Nine as they live a most obscure life. After the event of 1891, the Barons cursed the Gentlemen to live a half-life which they learned to cope by means of blessed bandages provided to them by the Cacquex. Their most visible ability is Wisping, traveling by the spiritual mists emitted from their shells.
Weapons: Each carry pocket watches, but their functions are unknown.
The Vedmak Club
Founder: Grigori Rasputin
Motto: "Who created the darkness in the God?"
Dictum:Для нас, жизнь дана для жизни он берется.
Headquarters: Vedmak Kremlin
Current Cossacks General: Alexander Sokolov
Levels of Magical Competency: 3
Abilities: Male Cossacks were gifted the ability of hypnotism and opening the portal to the Chernobog, the Black God, which they worship. Female Cossacks, if powerful enough, can evolve into the Baba Yaga, a powerful hag that has the ability to capture spirits of the living, creating the Petrified, those trapped in a half life state.
Weapons: Apart from guns, the Cossacks of the Vedmak club carry a Teraphim; a small wooden doll shaped like a nutcracker with a pointed end at its feet. They have the ability to distort equilibrium through emitting sounds at decibels uncomfortable to most humans; sheeple or Hidden.
Episode 1
Upon taking the vow of the Round Table, each of the Black Knights were endowed with an elemental gift by The Whore of Naissance in order to protect to the sacred Tree of Knowledge. To Cesare, the Whore granted the element of fire. To Caden, was the element of water given, and D’Artagnan air. The Whore blended with Lancelot’s spirit, activating within him an Earthly force that generates a natural magnetism for metals.
During his tenure as a Knight, Lancelot also seemed to develop the gift of finding trouble in the least likely of places and this night was no different. As the soft serene sounds of Mozart played over head in the lobby of the Batallica Hotel, the shattering of glass windows and slabs from marble columns crashing around him played a tune that was more to his liking.
A barrage of bullets came at him from all directions and he quickly took shelter behind a column full of bullet holes. Laughing to himself, he reached into his suit jacket gripping the butts of Point and Spray, his favorite hand pistols, sitting snug in their holster. Flipping the switch off of the safety, the adrenaline in his veins fueled his warrior senses as bullets continued to fly past his head. Dust fell upon his red alligator shoes, irritating him more than the commotion of the sheeple police shooting at him.
"Come out with your hands up!" a cop shouted, as the last of their bullet casings clanged against the floor. Lancelot put a black cigarette in his mouth, lighting it and taking a puff; savoring the sweet smoke as it mingled with the smell of gun powder. He walked from behind the column, his arms raised guns in hand; the cigarette pressed between his lips.
"Hey guys, let’s have a civil conversation," he said, peering from behind the column.
"The only conversation we’re going to have is me reading you your rights!"
"My rights? Don’t you know? I do what thou wilt. So remember this, I chose to comply," he said stepping out from behind the column.
"Put the guns on the ground now! Get on the ground!" the cops shouted at him, but Lance stood tauntingly giving them that million dollar smile; pretending to act compliant to their demands. He did as the cop commanded, gently laying Point and Spray on the ground, taking another puff of the cigarette.
"Kick the guns to me and put your hands behind your back!"
Lance squeezed the cigarette between his fingers, flicking the cinders on the ground and laughed.
"I have a better idea, and I’d like to share that idea with you as soon as I finish my cigarette."
"Put the god damn cigarette out and put your hands behind your back! I won’t fucking ask you again!"
Lance continued to smoke, giving the room full of police the middle finger. As he lifted his hands, a nervous cop began fired a shot and the others followed suit. Lance could see the bullets coming at him, one by one as if time slowed around him. He laughed, flicking the bullets away with his fingers, but they soon became too many. The onslaught of danger activated the Magia within him, taking control of the situation. He lifted his hands, repelling the bullets aw
ay from him. In the blink of an eye, time returned to its normal pace; Point and Spray raising off the floor to his hands by the power of his Magia.
The legendary marksman shot several cops directly between the eyes before the redirected bullets had a chance to reach them. Honing in on the sound of the bullets cracking through skulls, traveling through the soft parts of the brain as he hit target after target was glorifying to him. He danced his way through the bullets subduing the two dozen cops that opposed him.
Order had once again been restored from chaos as all around him fell silent. The classical music on the loud speakers continued to play overhead as the occasional marble slab crashed upon the ground as the aftermath of the gun fight had declared the Order of Magia Chaotica the victor.
"Damn. That was almost no fun," he said, placing Point and Spray back into the holster, lighting another cigarette while standing on a field of victory. Basking in his moment of glory, the sound of a phone camera snapping a photo caused him to turn his head.
"Shit!" a woman whispered as she attempted to run, only to find herself running smack into his chest, as the gift of speed was also endowed to the chain smoking Knight. Before she knew it, she was staring into his dark, seductive eyes; dropping her phone and shattering it into a million pieces; captivated by this seductive aura.
"Well that sucks. I just wanted to see if you got a good shot."
"What? How did you do that?"
"How did I do what?" he asked, staring into her dull blue eyes. She was a short woman, with her blonde hair in the ponytail, wearing a simple blue dress and heels. Lance waited for an answer, but the pull of his Magia sent her to heights of arousal that she had never felt before. The deeper she looked into his alluring eyes, the deeper she would fall into him.
To his dismay, she had the sudden urge to pucker her lips and kiss him. Lance quickly held up his hand, palming her face; creating a comfortable distance between them.
"That’s just disgusting, people get mono that way. Besides, we just fucking met and you're already trying to slob me down. Have some standards woman," he fussed, scowling at her.
"I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me."
"I mean, you could’ve at least asked me my fucking name. But you go straight for my mouth. What kind of shit is that?" Lance continued to fuss, causing the young woman to cower. She began to cry and ran as fast as she could away from him. The mascara running down her face stung her eyes, blinding her as she fled embarrassed and ashamed. Her left heel began to wobble, snapping in half causing her to fall in the street.
In an instant, her eyes set upon the light of Heaven, giving her a first class ticket to the afterlife. Lance stood in shock, watching with his hands in his pocket and mouth wide open, full of disbelief about what just took place. He shook his head, taking a stride across the parking lot to his Maserati as a quick change in scenery was needed.
The sound of more cop cars and an ambulance racing down the road was enough to get him to fire up the engine and leave. It was too late. The cops arrived, blocking off the exits, trapping Lance. He put the car in reverse and screeching of Lance's tires attracted unwanted attention.
"That's him!" a cop shouted, as the spotlight from the helicopter above put him on display.
"Come out with your hands up! Get out of the fucking car now!" a cop said, as several others got out of their cars pointing their guns.
"Shit. I like the attention, but this is a bit much," he thought to himself, shifting the gear to park. Pressing hard on the gas, he revved the engine as he contemplated a way out. "If this was my Challenger, this would be easy," he continued to think to himself, as he was known to drive through the occasional wall to escape tight situations. Sitting in the Maserati however was a completely different story. The phone began to ring and to his delight, it was the Round Table.
"Whaddup fool?!"
Lance sighed.
"Man, what the fuck are you doing? You're all over the news! The sheeple are blasting your pics all over the tv! Well, I know it’s you. All the shots are blurry," Adonis said excitedly.
"I just went for a glass of wine that's all."
"Mhm. That's why I hear helicopters and cops yelling shit at you?" Adonis asked, in between his laughs.
"Oops. My secret's out."
"Dude, they said you ran a chick over. A hit and run."
"That's a fucking lie! Lying ass sheeple. She broke her heel and killed her fucking self. I didn’t do that!" Lance shouted amidst Adonis's roaring laughter. Meanwhile the cops were inching up to him redirecting his attention.
"Shit. This is going to get bad."
"You need some assistance? Come on, I’m bored as fuck right now."
"If I said no, you'd show up anyways. So yes," Lance said, shutting off the engine. He put another cigarette in his mouth, blowing a large smoke cloud towards the window. As it cleared, the cops were standing just feet around him; one jiggling the car handle on the passenger's side.
"Seriously motherfucker?" he said, shaking his head and rubbing the dashboard as though he were never going to see his precious car again and began laughing.
He hit a red button near the gear and the top of the car flew backward. Lance jumped up with Point and Spray in hand. He spun himself around wasting no bullets; killing those within a few feet of his car instantly. He landed on the hood of the car, pointing the gun towards the sky, staring at the crowd gathering around the scene. He pulled the trigger, hitting the driver of the helicopter and it plummeted. Spinning out of control, the helicopter crashed into a line of cop cars sending everything up in flames. The explosions shattered the outer glass of the hotel which fell like glitter upon the asphalt.
"Fuck this shit. Enough of us have died!" a cop shouted, pulling out a rocket launcher and shooting it towards Lance. Lance spread his arms, welcoming the challenge. Before he could make his move, a large, dark shadow flew overhead and before he had a chance to return the favor. Adonis stretched his wing, shielding Lance and absorbing the blow.
"Light, devour," he said, as the amber hairs upon his wings began to glow; looking as though the explosion were trapped within.
"Light, show them out of darkness as I unless you upon our enemies," he said, flying up, flapping his left wing towards the group of cops on that side, releasing the explosion contained within. Lance sat down on the hood of his car as Adonis swept the area clear of cops and bystanders. He landed, looking around to make sure he didn’t miss anyone and laughed.
"That’s right sons of bitches! Die!"
"Now let’s go before more show up. They’re like roaches. You see one, best believe there’s a whole colony lurking in the darkness ready to feed," Lance said, hopping in the car. Adonis retracted his wings, now wishing he had a shirt on, joined him. Lance took a photo of the scene, driving off and leaving the memory of the bad date behind.
Adonis' amber locks flapped in the wind as Lance sped down the road, smiling and occasionally looking back to make sure they weren't being followed. He blasted an old school rap album, reaching into his back pocket for a flask.
"Compton’s finest! So dude, its just 12:16. Where to now fool?"
"The store. I'm out of cigarettes," Lance answered.
While the two Knights sped down the road to find more trouble, Rufus was at home enjoying a quiet night folding clothes with his wife Victoria when his phone began ringing and buzzing non-stop.
"Fuck no," he said, putting the phone on vibrate.
"Maybe you should answer it. It might be important. After all, you are Magia Magnificent Rex. It could very well be a message letting you know it’s the end of the world," Victoria said, smiling as she folded his tank tops.
"Did you not hear me? I said Fuck No. I’m off tonight. It’s our night. Me and you, fuck everything else."
Victoria laughed. "Yes, you're here with me and Beast, folding clothes and eating chocolate pretzels. How thrilling. Oh, the life of a great magician--"
"Stop it."
"The conjurer of boredom--"
"The master of chaos! Great son of Achilles, how do you dine?"
Rufus frowned at her while she found herself tickled at his antics.
"You know damn well you want to pick up that phone and go save the world," she said, raising an eyebrow.
Rufus sat down on the edge of the bedroom chaise away from his phone determined to prove her wrong. Each time he picked up a piece of clothing his eyes traveled to the vibrating phone. Biting his bottom lip each time a new message came in, he couldn’t help but wonder what the fuss was about.
"Maybe I’ll just see what’s going on. Hopefully Borgia hasn’t burned down the temple," he said,tapping the screen of his phone. He smiled on the inside, seeing over thirty text messages and thirteen missed calls. As he opened the first message, Nicky, the Principal Timekeeper from the Gentlemen of the Haze, appeared like an unwanted advertisement on a news article.
"Nicky! What the fuck have I told you about that shit?!"
"Pardon the intrusion Rex," he said, as a misty, black smoke started to emit from the phone. Victoria stared wide eyed, wondering why Rufus hadn’t thrown it across the room, but he continued to hold on to it. Nicky began to take form in the middle of their bedroom.
When the smoke cleared, Nicky stood wearing a long sleeve button up shirt, black slacks and a red vest; he was missing the top hat which usually sat snug upon his bandaged head.
"I’m going to fuck you up coming into my house like this! You must want to die today!"
"Oh Rex, death might actually be a favor to this curse called a half life so like always, your threats are most welcomed. But after you hear what I have to say, you may want to redirect your homicidal tendencies towards your Knights as they have caused us a huge problem!" Nicky said, pointing towards the television. He projected a black mist and it came on replaying the massacre which Lancelot and Adonis left in their wake.