Knights of Enmity: Lancelot the Lady Killer (Civic Duties Book 1) Read online

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  Cornelius stretched out his hand and Dosos began to morph into his natural form. He screamed in pain, falling to his knees as his skin stretched and burned. Alexia cried in horror to what just took place but had nowhere to go. Dosos stood up taking a deep breath as his body readjusted to his normal six foot self. Feeling somewhat delusional, Solon dismissed him from the dungeon room.

  "Please, let me go. I don't know what you want from me," she pleaded. Solon bent down, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her towards the ground.

  "I was going to let you live you see, because I believed that you held a certain bit of information. Collateral even. But now, I have no reason to do that. As far as the world knows, as far as your brother knows, you Alexia Sokolov is dead. Killed by a Black Knight making the Cossacks their enemies. They are our enemies and thankfully with the sacrifice of your death, Ordo Magnum Opus is one step closer to becoming the most powerful Order of Man. So, since the world already thinks you’re dead, we might as well let it be true," Solon said, as he drug her down the hall, kicking and screaming to his torture chamber.

  Cornelius left Solon to his fun, as his memories were not fond of the chamber; often finding himself a victim of its horrors. He walked down the hall, wiping a small tear remembering those moments.Solon slammed the door and he knew that screams would soon follow, and took his leave.

  "Welcome to my museum. Look around. Many witches succumbed to death by these devices. You sheeple created these horrors because you fear of us; your superiors. The rack is common. The guillotine is quick, gets to the point, the fun lasts but a short moment. The Judas Cradle however, is one I haven't used in quite some time. It is a marvel you see, it can take a person hours to die. Would you like to try it?" Solon asked and Alexia shook her head, attempting to run out the door, but he grabbed her arm, throwing her on the floor.

  "If you're so powerful, so superior, why do you need to torture me? I'm just a helpless regular human."

  "It is not you that I am torturing or sending the message to, it is your affiliation. The Hierophants," he said, his voice sounding more sinister. Alexia's eyes lowered and she stood up looking somewhat proud of his words.

  "You Hidden will not win this war. After you kill me, I will become a martyr, a symbol of innocence whose torture will be avenged by the entire world. We are the Vicars of the most high, and His will shall be done."

  Solon cracked up laughing grabbing the woman and tying her up. Alexia began praying and shouting Hail Mary's as Solon began winding the wheel, lifting her off the ground; spreading her arms and legs as she went up.

  "Just so you know, you shall not be made a martyr of. How could you if the Hierophants no nothing of this? It is only you and I here girl, and my will shall be done. So say hello to Baby Jesus for me."

  Alexia laughed as though she knew something he didn't. In anger, Solon released the wheel and Alexia fell upon the Judas Cradle which tore through her bottom as the weight of her body slammed upon it. She screamed a chilling scream as death was not instant. Solon dusted his hands, walking away as she panted her last breaths, turning out the light and leaving her to die. As the light shut off, something in the back of Alexia's neck glowed through her skin, a location device which pointed the Hierophants to Castle Panchrest.


  Rufus and Lance returned to the Round Table making a point not to make eye contact with one another.

  "Come on guys, it’s not that bad," Adonis said, as both Knights shouted: "Shut up!" Adonis threw up his hands as Rufus turned on the television. Blurred videos of Lancelot at the Batallica Hotel along with the photo of Alexia Sokolov were being blasted all over the news painting the story that he killed the young woman and drove off.

  The sheeple had no clue as to who Lance was, and hoped someone would come through with the information. The Hidden World however knew exactly who it was and the Orders were calling Rufus demanding answers.

  "Just call a Council and put me on trial. I'll fess up," Lance said, regrettably.

  "Hell no. You're a Black Knight. Shit like this happens to us all the time."

  "But never in front of the camera. I was careless, but everything just happened so fast. Now I'm Lancelot the Lady Killer, a title I used to be proud of, but now it has a more literally meaning," Lance said.

  "Well we're going to take a little trip to Castle Panchrest. Solon owes us an explanation for this one. And before I kill his sorry ass, I'm going to at least let him explain himself," Rufus said, motioning for both Lance and Adonis to follow him to the garage.

  Rufus revved up his jeep and the Knights rode through the portal to Romania. The drove on the rocky pathways, winding roads and up the mountainside until the view of Castle Panchrest was in sight. Rufus tightened his grip on the wheel as they inched closer to the top but something exploded right before them, causing Rufus to turn off the road.

  "What the fuck what that?! Adonis shouted.

  "Besom bombs," Rufus replied, turning the wheel and driving faster.

  Clyde and his Armored Fleet surrounded Castle Panchrest dropping a barrage of Besom Bombs all over the castle premises. Adonis thought it was hilarious and flew up to see what the fuss was about. The Warlocks road their broomsticks in a circle, forming the attack called The Stairstep which looked like a large spiral. Solon walked out of the Castle, looking up as the Besom Bombs had no effect on the Castle's defense systems; many of the students also looking out.

  "Shall we fight back?" a student yelled, but Solon shook his head and motioned for him to calm down.

  "Look at him, all smug. The Warlocks are giving it all they have and he stands there enjoying the fucking light show. I got something for him," Rufus said, holding up his hand projecting his Magia to Solon's known crystal barrier points. He began to crack them and as the force field began to blink Solon's eyes widened.

  "Alchemists! Prepare for battle!" he shouted, as the veil came crashing down. Clyde ordered the Armored Fleet to continue their assault as he flew down to the Knights. He angrily pulled off his goggles and threw down his broomstick, grabbing for his Oathbreaker.

  "This is our fight Magia. Get the fuck back!"

  "Whoa. We came to fuck him up too. But we'll let you have it," Rufus said, holding up his hands.

  "Really? What did they do to you this time?"

  "Framed me for killing some chick."

  "Was she blonde, short and a cannibal?"

  Rufus and Lance looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

  "I knew he was up to something! We went to retrieve one of our fallen but ran into Cornelius who was with some cannibal sheeple. Come to think of it, she looked recently dead. All I know is, he brought her back here. I don't think she’s dead though," Clyde said, mounting his broom and joining the fight.

  The Alchemists began throwing weapons transmutated from the scrap metal on the ground, throwing it at the Warlocks. Adonis joined in, slapping Alchemists around with his wings.

  "Follow me. I think I might know where she may be," Rufus said, as he and Lance crept into the lower levels of the Castle as it was currently not being watched. Lance reached in his pocket and pulled out a cigarette when Rufus stopped him with a startled look on his face.



  "You're going to light that shit up while we stand in a pit full of ethanol?" Rufus asked, waiting for a good explanation.

  Lance smiled, stuffing it back in his pocket. They could hear someone breathing heavily, moaning as if hanging onto life by a thread. The Knights entered the torture chamber to see Alexia laying lifeless on the Judas Cradle.

  "Oh fucking hell!" Lance said, covering his mouth as he felt the need to throw up.

  "Take a picture"

  "What? Fuck no man I don't want that shit in my phone!"

  "Lance, your face is plastered all over the news, all over the world. If we're going to exonerate you we need to have proof that you did not kill her. Take the fucking picture," Rufus demanded with his arms folded.
  Lance frowned, pulling out his phone and snapping a few pictures. Rufus put his hands on hips attempting to understand what was going on. Lance walked up to her, his mouth still covered when he noticed the red light in the back of her neck.

  "Shit Rex! It’s a bomb! In her neck!" Lance said, as Alexia's body exploded. Rufus raised hands containing the blast within the area of the Judas Cradle. He pushed the fires upward, blasting through several levels of the Castle, through the roof hitting a group of Warlocks. Tensions intensified as Warlocks fell from the sky in a ball of flames. Adonis flew out of the way of the blast, catching a lady Warlock in the process.

  Clyde ordered the Oathbreaker Formation in the sky. Each Warlock charged their Oathbreakers while flying making the shape of a pentacle in the sky. At Clyde's mark, each Warlock threw their Oathbreakers, destroying half of Castle Panchrest. Clyde was pleased with the destruction and ordered his fleet to leave victorious.

  Lance, Rufus and Adonis met back at the car; leaving before Ordo Magnum Opus caught wind of their presence. Rufus found himself tickled pink as he started at the hole in the side of Castle Panchrest.

  "Well, the situation of kicking Solon's ass is resolved so I guess it’s a mission well done boys."

  "How? Lance the Lady Killer is still the world's most wanted man."

  "Not anymore," Lance said, showing Adonis the photo of Alexia before she blew up.

  "Dude, seriously. I know you're into some shit, but making your own smuff film is too far my man."

  "See Rex, that's why I didn't want this shit in my phone!"

  Rufus cracked up laughing all the way back to the Temple. Lance gave the pictures to Caden who uploaded the photos to all of the Order heads explaining the situation clearing Lance's name. Lance leaned his head back on his throne taking a deep breath. Rufus cracked open a Sprite shaking his head. Caden glanced at the monitor at the top of his station and noticed that there was a lot of activity at the Blue Palace. He put it up on the main screen and turned up the volume.

  The ladies had all gathered in the foyer around a young woman but the Knights couldn’t hear what was being said, only the screams of several Contessas. Chrissy and Lady Shinza attempted to diffuse the situation giving light to what the fuss was about. Rufus sat up as they stared at the bloody and broken body of a naked Marked Maiden.

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  Read Book 1 of the Descending Fires series and

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